- 05/05/2020
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Venture Financing Post Covid-19 – e-Panel
Venture Financing Post Covid-19
Please join us on Thursday, May 7th at 5pm for a panel discussion on the state of venture financing – changes in the landscape for existing portfolios and new funds, sector-specific dynamics and general outlook for startups and other related topics – as we go through and eventually come out of Covid-19 lockdown.
- Dayakar Puskoor, Managing Partner, Naya Ventures (Speaker)
- Sumit Gautam, Managing Partner Scalar Gauge Fund (Speaker)
- Kevin Karrh, Managing Director – Investments, Stifel (Speaker)
- Abinav Varma Kalidindi, CEO, Myyo Technologies (Speaker)
- Anil Advani, Managing Partner, Inventus Law (Moderator)
1. Investor Perspective: Funding Cycle
- Sector-specific industries impacted by Covid-19 (-vely and +vely).
- Realignment of investment strategy Pre-Covid v/s Post-Covid.
2. Entrepreneur Perspective: Impact on Business and Resource Allocation
- Best practices for founders to minimize the impact on business.
- How, when, and what do founders communicate to Investors, Customers, Employees.
- How to budget with limited resources to sustain runway.
3. Macro Perspective
- What does the next decade look like in the U.S.?
- US Dollar phenomena: Will U.S. lose its reserve currency status?
4. Texas – Doing better than other states (economic perspective)?
- Growth in Texas despite the recession in other states.
- Creation of newer opportunities?
- Evolution of demands and trends?
5. Legal Issues
- Closing deals
- Personal liability of founders
- Lay-offs, shutting down businesses
We are looking forward to seeing you then.
Ram Viswanathan,
President, TiE Dallas