Upcoming TiE Tuesday (Feb 26th) and Call to Action!


Greetings and a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hope this finds everyone in good spirit and cheers. When I took on this responsibility at TiE Dallas a few months ago, we had laid out a set of objectives as you may remember. I am glad to report that we are making good progress across all those fronts and there are more exciting things to come. Stay tuned..

First quick updates –

  1. We have begun a series of conversations towards establishing a Ventures program that will follow the sequence of Identification –> Screening –> Pitch –> Funding –> Mentoring –> Growing. 2-3 deals are in the works already. This is quite fundamental to the vision and purpose of TiE. The process will begin with both inbound and active outreach for opportunities which we will then put through the rest of the process. This is currently limited to the Charter Members amongst us but we will open it up to others on a case-by-case basis.
  2. The TWINE program (TiE Women In Entrepreneurship) is being kicked off under the leadership of Debjani Biswas. Those interested please contact Debjani at dbiswas526@gmail.com.
  3. Our 7th year of the TYE program (The Young Entrepreneurs) has gotten off to a great start a couple of Sundays ago under the leadership of Manoj Balraj, with a large than ever class size, greater diversity of students and a heightened sense of awareness and excitement in the community. Please check out www.tyedallas.org or contact manoj.balraj@experionglobal.com for more details.
  4. Our Charter Member group has grown significantly (now 20+ and growing) and with it comes great wisdom, experience and guidance on how we can shape the future of TiE Dallas. We have held multiple meetings and shared a number of ideas on how best to leverage the power of this group for the benefit of entrepreneurship in the community.
In addition, the Board has met periodically, to review operational and governance matters and establish the organization to be on a sound footing. Now for some updates on upcoming events & announcements:
  1. We will have our next TiE Tuesday on Tuesday (!) the 26th of Feb at 6:30 pm at India 101 Agni Bar & Grill. This time, it will be an ‘Open Floor’ event – specifically to give opportunities to those that want to give an elevator pitch of their idea/product to the group gathered (each to be given 2 mins). CLICK HERE TO RSVP NOW. If you are interested, please send your Name, Contact and a Brief Outline of your idea/product to me (ram@nathanresearch.com), and Mayur (mayur1617@gmail.com). We may have only a handful of slots, so hurry! This is intended to be the funnel for selection of a handful of presentations for a more formal pitch event being planned for the end of the quarter in March.
  2. Charter Members – If you have not already registered, here is one more opportunity to check out this year’s retreat in Durbovnik – https://hub.tie.org/e/dubrovnik-retreat. If interested, please go ahead and register while there are still some spots left.
  3. The US India Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Women’s Conference on Friday, Feb 22. Please check out www.usicoc.org if interested in participating.
While we will have events at TiE from time to time, I am equally keen if not more so, on defining and establishing sustainable programs that will continue for years to come.  Needless to say these programs are possible only with the active interest and participation from you all. While we have had tremendous support from the membership, we can always use additional help in specific areas. Please get in touch with me or one of the program chairs. Also, if you have not renewed your memberships, please go and ahead do so at dallas.tie.org.

Thank you.

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