TiE Dallas – Updates – ‘Hear from the Angels’ – at TiE Tuesday Mar 26th


Greetings everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.

Here are a few updates on the TiE Dallas events over the last few weeks:-

  1. TiE Tuesdays: We had a great ‘Open Floor’ event at the last TiE Tuesday event. A total of 8 startup pitches were heard with topics ranging from Education to Healthcare to Robotics. Great presentations, well received and lively interaction. Pitch decks have been circulated to the CMs for follow up actions on forming sub-teams to go into specific opportunities of interest. We will continue this series with more pitches in the months to come.
  2. The Women’s entrepreneurship program (renamed POWER) has been kicked off with great engagement and enthusiasm from area women entrepreneurs with the leadership of Debjani Biswas.
  3. We are mid-way through the TYE program for the year with groups forming to get ready to work on their respective projects to be presented to a panel at the May 5th finale. 
  4. We have engaged with several other area organizations including TeXchange, IITNT and Microsoft and other TiE chapters including Boston, Chennai, Austin, Atlanta and Houston.

Upcoming events:-

  1. Our next TiE Tuesday is scheduled on the 26th of Mar at 6:30 pm at India 101 Agni Bar & Grill. The theme will be ‘ Hear from the Angels’ – the idea is a ‘reverse pitch’ – to hear from our CMs, Angels, Investors regarding what they typically look for in targets, sectors they are interested in, size of investments, criteria that are important to them, what works in the DFW market and why and other factors for consideration. We will also have a featured speaker in Dean Jones from Microsoft Extreme Labs to give us an idea of what Microsoft is doing to encourage the startup scene in Dallas.  Please click here to RSVP for the event.
  2. On Tuesday Apr 9th, we plan to host an ‘Evening with Eric’ to hear from Eric Engineer, VC from S3 Ventures Austin and a good friend of TiE Dallas, on his perspectives on opportunities, deal flow, what S3 looks for, etc. This will be held at 6:30 pm at India 101 Agni Bar & Grill (becoming our standard place to ‘hang out’). Please block your calendar for this event, the registration links will be sent out soon.
  3. TiECon Silicon Valley is happening on May 10 – 11 in Santa Clara. Feel free to register if you plan to attend: Registration for TiECon.

We look forward to seeing you all at our events and continuing the dialogue! And as always, if you have not renewed your memberships, please go and ahead do so at dallas.tie.org.

Thank you.


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