TiE Dallas – On Diversity and Inclusion

Thank you for attending our “On diversity and Inclusion” Webinar, and thanks to Dean Jones, Startup Ambassador at Microsoft, for insights on how we, as organizations can better dialogue, engage and collaborate with different communities. As we all can agree, a more diverse and inclusive workplace both in thoughts and deeds is a more productive and richer workplace.

We took some specific action items to expand on our ongoing initiatives here at TiE to bring in representation in leadership as well as in the ranks from diverse demographics – youth, women, ethnicity and color, as well as invest in them.

If you missed the event, you can watch a replay of it HERE.

Please send us your ideas and thoughts on what more you would like to see. We look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile stay tuned for more announcements.

Thank you,


Ram Viswanathan CEO, Nathan Research Inc.
President, TiE Dallas

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