Board & Charter Member Meeting

Hello everyone,

Hope all are well. We intend to use the next TiE Tuesday slot to do a recap of our events so far this year and plan for what is to come. Please make it a point to attend as your participation and input is key to define our future direction. The agenda and logistics are as follows

  1. ReCAP of our events to date – Pitch events, Reverse Pitch, Evening with Eric, TYE, Women Entrepreneur (Power)
  2. Report of the financials – Alok Gupta
  3. Compliance/filing status– Alok Gupta
  4. Governance model –
  5. Planned direction –
    1. Ventures Program
      1. What do the CM s want out of this program ? Can we each commit to a certain amount of time, and resources to take interest in the deals presented so far ?
      2. Library of deal flow – Use of Gust platform
      3. TiE UP with TGA (TiE Global Angels), access to deal flow, expertise, models (takeaway from TiECon)
    2. Half Day event in June/July – with a keynote, and highlighting our flagship programs – Ventures, Youth and Women
    3. Womens Power group
  6. Budgets
  7. Compilation of our program coverage – in Google Drive/Explara; administrative – Programming, Marketing, Communication, Partners
  8. Resources, Roles and Responsibilities…

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